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ROCK Pre-Planning Documentation submitted to Planners

This week over 350 pages of documentation, plans, photos and images were sent to B&NES for our third pre-planning inquiry. This is not a formal planning application but an exercise whereby council officers will tell us on what parts of our current proposals they would be prepared to support or oppose. Assuming that most of you do not want to read all of the documentation, the key points are available in what is known as the Design and Access Statement. This sets out: the aims of the project; an analysis of the sites; the history of consultation; the evolution of the plans and design; the plans as they are now; and finally the access issues. It is about 33 pages long with plenty of photos and images to break up the text. You can find it here. the ROCK Team would encourage you all to pray for the B&NES officers as they consider the scheme and for the meeting that will be held with them in 2-3 weeks to go over the proposals.

Design and Access