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Church Services at All Saints

Do join us!
Sundays at 9am, 11am or 5pm
Tuesdays at 10am

Do sign up to our weekly news sheet on the link below, so that you have a regular handy guide to all the latest additions to the services and events section of our website.

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View our Weekly News in Brief here 

For details on our Jan-Feb 2025 Sermon Series click here

Pattern of services

Sunday Mornings:
9am Sanctuary  
A more traditional, quieter, more reflective service with hymns and teaching. Congregants follow along with an order of service. Holy Communion is taken every 2nd & 4th Sundays.

11am Engage  
Engage is for everyone, with a band for sung worship, plus teaching and prayer. Children groups will be running in the centre - Parents – please bring your children into church before the start of the service. More information on our Sunday Children's Groups that take place in the All Saints Centre below.

Sunday Evenings:
5pm Encounter 
Come 15mins before for food and a warm welcome, Encounter is a relaxed church family gathering with space for worship, Bible reflection and for everyone to contribute.
2nd Sunday – (led by the youth team) 
4th Sunday - (led by the community Pepper group team)

Tuesday Mornings:
10am Morning Prayer
A service of Morning Prayer with Holy Communion every second Sunday.

Children's Groups - Children's groups run in the church centre during the Engage morning church service. We have a strong team of leaders and helpers and we are excited about seeing your children and having fun with them as we learn about God together. Toast (school years 6-8) downstairs in the courtyard room. Explorers (school years 3-5) and Climbers (school years 0-2) will be downstairs in the main hall.  Parents should bring their children into church before the start of the service. Parents will need to fill out a consent form. The children will be taken down to the Centre shortly after the church service has started and then they will be brought back to church near the end of the service by the group leaders. Parents are welcome to come with any children up to school age and stay and play and chat. We look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any questions, please contact Jo Tucker via her email by clicking here.

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