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Banner Image:   Church Community
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PCC of All Saints Church,Weston, Bath 

A Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the executive committee of a Church of England church and consists of clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the congregation.  All Saints Weston is also a charity and so the members of the PCC are also trustees. Our Registered Charity number is at the foot of our website.

Legally the Council is responsible for the financial affairs of the church parish and the maintenance of its assets, such as churches and church halls. It also assists the clergy in the management of church affairs in the parish, and in promoting the mission of the church. The PCC also has a voice in the forms of service used by the church and may make representations on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish.

The makeup of a PCC is set out in the Church Representation Rules. To be an elected representative of the congregation, a person must be a communicant, aged 16 or over, and must have been on the church electoral roll for at least 6 months (unless under 18). They must be nominated and seconded by persons on the roll.

You can read more about being on the Electoral Roll here.

All Saints PCC meets around ten times a year. There is a list of current members on our staff and leadership page here, and the minutes of the meetings are publicly available (on request) after they have been approved by the PCC.  The PCC delegates areas of work to a number of sub-committees such as the Standing Committee, The Missions Team, The Buildings & Facilities Management Group and the Community Outreach Committee.


Whilst PCC meetings include lots of different things, one of the most exciting things that they do is to help discern and respond to God’s call for the church and the parish, and use of its resources.

The agenda for the next Parochial Parish Council (PCC) meeting can be found here a week before the meeting.