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African Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday 

African Palms 2All Saints Church, Weston, Bath has just received its order of 250 palm crosses ready to be blessed and handed out to church members on Palm Sunday. 
We buy our Palm Crosses from African Palms, a project that was started in 1965 by Fr Alan Talbot, an Anglican priest who served for 6 years as a missionary in the diocese of Masasi in Tanzania. The Palm Crosses are made from the dried branches of the dwarf palm Hyphaena coriacia that grow wild in the Masasi area.
The work of making the Palm Crosses does not interfere with the villagers normal work of producing the food they need to live, it provides some additional income.

African Palms 3 Alan Talbot
Rev'd Alan Talbot died peacefully at home at the age of 95 years. He devoted his whole life to the church universal. Whilst serving as a priest in very poor and remote areas of South Tanzania, he had the idea that people could earn money by making palm leaf into crosses which he would then aim to sell in the UK. The project grew to become very successful and now 3 million crosses are sold worldwide each year