Easter Garden Project
Easter weekend is nearly here. It’s a hugely important time in our year when followers of Jesus, mark the events leading up to and think through Jesus’ arrest, trial, execution and then his coming back to life.
This year, we are again unable to do to gather in the same way, but we are still united in Jesus and included in his story.
We would love you to make an Easter Garden again this year. And display it somewhere your neighbours will be able to see it during Easter Week (from Monday 29th March).
You can use any container, which you ideally fill with soil and then decorate to represent the garden tomb or crucifixion hill. You could include a tomb, a stone, crosses, people, angels (there are lots of ideas online).
Place your Easter garden in a place visible to neighbours and passers by taking their daily exercise as an encouragement to engage with Easter. Also, please send landscape photos of your garden (close-up and in-situ) to naomi@allsaintscentre.org.uk so we can create a virtual tour of the gardens on the All Saints Church website.
Let's fill Weston with Hope.
Refreshed Garden at Church 2021
Here are a few gardens from 2020 to inspire you.