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'A Joyful Assembly' 

Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the completion of the ROCK refurbishment project.
11.00am on Sunday 6th October 2024
All Saints Church, Weston, Bath.

You can watch the recorded service now on our YouTube channel by using this link.
You can see photos from the day by using this link.
You can download the order of service using this link.

A great day in the long history of All Saints Church when we celebrated and gave thanks for the work done in the church over the past year. It was almost exactly a year ago that we moved out of church to enable the transformation to take place.  Similar services were held in 1832 and 1893.

Certainly a day to remember for everyone who was present and a day to be recorded in the history of the church. And as always it was only possible thanks to the love, commitment and gifts of a great many people who between them: planned and prepared in advance for the service and the lunch; prepared and presented the food so tastefully (!); created such stunning floral arrangements in church and delightful vases of flowers for each of the 31 tables; prepared the Church on Friday and the Centre on Saturday; took photographs; pealed bells; did car park duty; played a part in the service; set up the tables and chairs for lunch in the church; did all the clearing away and the washing up; came back in Monday to finish the clearing up.

Whether you did an hour on the day or 30+ hours leading up to the day and over the weekend, we say THANK YOU!
Hopefully you were not ‘too weary after doing much good’ (see Galatians 6:9).