Wonderful news - Paddy Gleave has agreed to join Ben Wynne as our second Churchwarden. The PCC has agreed unanimously to support Paddy in this role and he will shortly be formally licensed by the Archdeacon, once this has happen we will pray for Paddy as a church family.
It is so good that the team is now complete again and that together we can build on the great work of our previous churchwardens. Ben Wynne is especially pleased as he has carried this role by himself for the last few months. Mark, Ben and Paddy are looking forward to serving together.
We are also thankful for the small army of people who are now helping with the opening and closing of the church building on Sundays.
Churchwardens are officers of the Bishops. They are to work with the Rector and church staff to in pursuit of the mission. Churchwardens are both a support and a “critical friend” to the Rector. A churchwarden is a key spiritual and practical leadership role within the life of a local (Anglican) church.
So please pray regularly for Ben and Paddy as they lead and serve with us all as seek to be a church on the way.
Below is a picture of a party held over the summer for all of the previous churchwardens (and spouses) at All Saints - there were only two who where unable to make it. They are standing in the order in which they served. What a wonderful picture of the faithful service and commitment to Jesus that so many have shown in this place.