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All Saints is setting up the Weston Welcome Café - please be part of it 

Mark Searle and Peter Heywood introduce us to two new activities to be delivered by All Saints Church, Weston, Bath: Weston Welcome Cafe Weston and Newbridge Food Club

As a church we are setting up a new way to be part of our community in the Weston and Newbridge area.

We are opening the Weston Welcome Café, which will take place on Mondays at Weston Hub. It will be a place where people living in the Weston and Newbridge area can come to relax, and to find friendship and some help.

Individuals and families will be able to join the Weston Food Club and to receive a food parcel every week. This will be surplus food from supermarkets that would otherwise go to waste. This is shopping with a difference. Approx £20 worth of food will only cost £3.

Everyone can enjoy tea or coffee and simple refreshments. You don’t have to pay, but there’ll be a donations box for those who would like to contribute.

There’ll be toys for the children, so that everyone can relax.

There’ll be prayer boxes on the tables, so everyone can ask for prayer.

There’ll be information available on all the other places to find help in the Bath area.

There’ll be times to learn about cooking good food with natural ingredients.

It will be a place of welcome, where friendships can grow, and the love of God can be shared between us all.

Everything will happen in line with the relaxation in social distancing and within the rules for the operation of cafés.

This is a way in which lots of us can come together to build something special in our community.

Would you like to find out more? Please fill in the form below.

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