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New Wine 

All Saints is an Anglican Church with many connections across different streams. We have had a large group of people that have attended New Wine summer conferences for many years. In case you are not familiar with New Wine then here is the opening statement from their website:

“New Wine’s primary focus is on enabling church leaders to communicate effectively the good news of God’s promises in this NewWine Logogeneration. Being a Christian isn’t a life to be lived alone, but within effective relationships and family. The New Wine network is designed to nurture these relationships, connecting church leaders to equip, inspire and encourage each other to serve their churches and communities.”

We are really pleased that with others we can facilitate a local New Wine Area Gathering supporting church leaders in Bath, Somerset and Wiltshire. Mark and Meghan Searle will be hosting the group along with other friends from across the area.

Bath, Somerset and Wiltshire New Wine Area Gathering/Worship Hub

Leading can be tough!
Leading can be tough
But we don’t have to do it alone. We want to create a spacious place to rest in the presence of God together. 

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; 
he brought me into a spacious place. Psalm 118:5 (NIV)

We want to intentionally set aside time to worship, pray, listen, reflect on the word and receive from the Holy Spirit. 

Open to anyone in church leadership, their spouses and their church team leadership in the Bath, Somerset and Wiltshire area. Whether you’re in paid leadership or voluntary and just giving generously, please come and spend time in this spacious place so that your body, mind and soul can be refreshed. Together can encourage one another in the presence of God.

To sign up to received regular details please use the group sign ups below (NB if it’s a zoom event then you need to be on the list to receive the link):

Future Dates

We know there can be many networks in which we operate. We understand this to be an “open set”, so you can be part of this and part of your other networks. We just want provide a spacious place so you are resourced for all that Jesus wants to do through you.

God bless

Rachael Stone (All Saints Bath - Leader)
Joe Tomkinson (All Saints Bath - Worship Leader)
James Collie (St Swithins Bath - Worship Leader)

Mark Searle, 04/11/2019